Ok ... bad news around here. The other day my main photo editing machine ... my Mac G5 ... started making all sorts of strange noises. When I booted it up it started with a squeaking sound, that led to the fans sounding like they were powering up a 747, that turned into a clicking sound, followed with a folder and question mark on the monitor. Now I'm no computer geek or anything, but I'm sharp enough to know that somethin' ain't right!
As it turns out my hard drive is toast and I lost everything on it. At first I went into a full-blown panic because I thought my latest album designs were on there and I would have to recreate them all. However ... all album designs were backed up to another hard drive. I was able to hook up my Macbook Pro (laptop) to my external drives and keep working. If you had an album design that had been posted ... you're in good shape. I saved them all.
Now I did lose a boat-load of music. This is music that I use in production work as well as some personal stuff, so I can't say that I came out without any problems. Still ... much better to lose the music than to lose other files.
I now have a new iMac ordered that should arrive in the next couple of weeks. It will be my main photo editing and design machine. I'll continue to to use the Macbook Pro for when I'm traveling as well as some video projects. And as for my G5? I'm going to attempt to put a new hard drive in there and keep it going.
Can't say it enough ... always backup your files. ;-)