Friday, March 16, 2007

The Last Bridal Show of the Season

Wow! What a first quarter of the year. I spent the month of January working primarily on a corporate job ... but I also had quite a few bridal shows to do. Since we're now traveling a lot more for our weddings I thought it would be nice to get out and do some shows in the surrounding areas.

I managed to do two shows in Champaign-Urbana, as well as shows in Mattoon, Effingham, Monticello and even Terre Haute, Indiana. That's a total of 6 bridal shows through the first part of March. I'm done for this spring, but if I have time I might be doing one more show this fall.

I have to say that's it's been well worth it. The calendar is filling up quite nicely with weddings.

And as for non-wedding events, I look forward to the Charleston High School musical and the Eastern Illinois University Show Choir Camp. I've been videotaping these two events for many years and they're always a lot of fun.

If you haven't booked your wedding photographer yet for 2007, I do have some open dates during the summer and fall. However, from July through the first week in September, I'm booked 7 out of 9 weekends. Feel free to call or email to see if your date is available.

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